Sunday, March 2, 2008

My Miserable Month


Ok, I just have to get that out of my system first. No, I don't have Tourette all of a sudden. It's just extremly frustrating to be down so much in the month of February. Knowing that I'm capable of making a grand or two per day, it sucks to not make that and on top of it lose big... It's difficult to know that if I work harder it doesn't necessarily mean that I'll make more if the market is not there. I suppose you have to chalk this up to tuition for a lesson on position sizing.

Yes, I thought about quitting. That doesn't make me a bad person. I know I was just thinking that b/c things aren't going well. I don't like to quit just b/c things are tough. This was the same situation when I was in PPA and when I was working with Southwestern. I'm not a quitter. But... at the same time, I had to really think about if this is what I want to do. If I'm able to commit to this.

Well, the best thing about February? It's OVER. I'm not sure how but I managed to go from wanting to quit to actually excited about learning again, especially to see if I can gain any insight from Zach Odom about how to trade EEM. Here are the goals for the month of March:

Profit goals: $7,000
Never hit my daily loss limit (if I'm down $500 then it's time to scale back, not be more aggressive)
Get to the office before 8am everyday
Miss no more than 3 days.
Review trades, even just the biggest winners and loser, everyday

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