Wednesday, August 8, 2007

What Do I Do??

Billy the trainer thought it was be good for us to mock trade the first part of the morning so we get on and see what's in play for the day. Simply put, I have no idea what I'm doing. I don't know what to look for, I don't know where would be a good entry/exit point at all. We were suppose to call out our trades and Daniel next to me was definitely calling out a lot more than I was. I think Tenner and I are in the same shoes so at least that made me feel better. Well, at least I did ok. I bought Goldman Sachs at the open because all there were a few signals indicating that the financials were going to be strong after the FOMC announcement yesterday. If I was smarter I would've bought a few more like BSC and MER. GS was my best trade for that little simulation.

I kept my eye on HANS and FWLT because they both reported today. It feels pretty arbitrary where I would buy or short shares. I want to get to a point where I have more informational support before I enter but they both turn out ok. I'd go long if I think it's too high and vice versa. Twice I had to cover my short positions, once with FWLT and another time with COH... COH burned me bad and I had to get out quick man. There was a sharp drop and I thought I'd ride it but it quickly was reversing and I cut my losses. Same type of trading with XOM and VLO, made like $20, $30 with those.

I think I'm going to do some reading tonight that I printed off of our Intranet and get in earlier in the morning to ask Billy some questions or maybe go talk to Lawrence to see maybe if I can watch him trade for an hour or so now that I'm more familiar with the interface.

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