Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Mission Impossible: Super Yahtzee

Good day today. Up almost $500 and traded almost 19,000 shares, largely thanks to EEM and FXP. I got a very favorable print on FXP for 800 shares and I traded EEM all through out the day trying to catch the trend. I'm still not quite sure what this "lag" Pat talks about but it feels like occasionally the damn thing would jump for 10 cents or so. I got hit on LEG today for 1,200 shares but that was a key stroke error. Thank god it was a slow moving stock and I didn't get screwed too bad, only about $75.

I still feel like super yahtzee is impossible... I mean, I need to continuously have good up days to just keep in pace w/ my variables, not to mention trying to catch up. sigh...

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