Friday, September 21, 2007

Working Towards a Net Positive Week

Not that much stuff going on today. Hit a few scalps. I got burned on one news play and literally as I heard it over the loud speakers I hit cancel order but I was just a split second late and my order got filled. I lost I think $45 on it and yeah, technically if I held on a bit longer I would've have an opportunity to get out and make money but it was the right decision to get out. My brain feels like a sloth today. It's almost as if I couldn't process information fast enough and I forced myself to walk away from the desk after awhile to go play ping pong with Tanner.

It was interesting when David called out the a trade today. The stock was reaching its 52 week high and he went long on it and made a good profit of 20, 40 cents on it I believe. I remember Patrick saying something to me about that kind of trades before... hmm...

I'm maybe down one or two dollars for the week after today, stupid... let's be careful today and I'll have my first real net positive week and if I have one more next week I'll be able to get my share size increased.

Oh, and to my surprise when I came in the office in the morning, I see my name in the top 5 rookie list for the past 5 days! So cool!! Maybe it got to my head a little bit that's why I lost money today... booo.

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