Thursday, July 3, 2008

My Class So Far

There's so much to talk about, but I suppose I'll start with the quickest one and talk about the Dale Carnegie class, some of the other stuff still require more pondering and thinking.

I'm really enjoying myself with the class. It's great working with Jim. I think I'm still trying to find my place in the class. All the GA's have different styles. Mine is more really just there to listen and only interfere when absolutely necessary. Say for example if someone was dominating the discussion or if anybody hasn't really spoken or made the progress we'd like to see. I get to go through the course with them myself and it's quite refreshing after 6 years. These life principles we teach in the course are so simple but why we simply don't put them into practice in our everyday life and what a difference they make amaze me.

I can already see the impact it's having on some of the people and we've only finished week 2. I want to peg people for what kind of break through or path they'll take through out the class from my experience but after this week and their first talk I have to remind myself that everyone of them is different. They all have a story. Gosh, they seem to be so into it though. The energy is high and they all seem to be eager to share with whatever they're struggling with and the little victories they have.

This is going to be pretty cool, and I get to try to have my own break through as well, even though with this position comes with more reading, lots of prep time and an unfathomably long Wednesday that usually leads to a tiring Thursday morning. To give you an idea, I typically get up a 6am, get to the office about 7:30. On Wednesdays the class starts at 6pm and ends at 9:30, then the GA's and the instructor would meet to prep for the following sessions for about half an hour. By the time I get home it's already 10:30pm and if I'm lucky I get to finish the other stuff that I need to do and my head hits the pillow before midnight.

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