Wednesday, May 14, 2008

My #44 Portfolio!

I'm #44!! Never have I been so excited about being #44 about something... Whether you are aware of it or not, CNBC is doing their porfolio contest again. Last year there were over 400,000 players according to this podcast that I was listening to on the way to work one day. I think it was the Disciplined Investors podcast. Well, I gave it a shot, just sort of playing around and picked a few stocks that I thought would make a big move after reporting earnings. They let you create 5 different portfolios and the most you can allocate your asset to one stock is 25%. On Monday, I picked BYI, CSIQ, FLR, LDK, and MDR. Because of the allocation limitation I mixed and match a few stocks in each portfolio. I did pretty well in most of my portfolios, it's just too bad that I didn't have all 4 stocks that blew it up. If I had CSIQ, BYI, FLR that would simply take the cake I'm sure.

#44 out of 400,000 (or possibly more) is damn good! You can click on the image above if you don't believe me.

My method? Picking stocks with earnings coming out soon and hopefully get a catalyst. I wish we could go short as well b/c I did really well in another mock trading platform and did really well w/ ERTS and WFMI. CSIQ is in solar, a hot indudstry and it's one of the solar stocks that has actually delievered evidence of its potential. FLR is another play simply it's in the right industry. BYI I wasn't so sure to be honest. I was just looking at its past earnings estimate and this one was almost 50% higher than a year ago and it has consistently met or beat the high estimate.

Not so much earnings coming out next week, at least not as many that I'd be willing to make a call to go long on. We'll see how the contest goes. There are a lot of cool prizes like tickets to World Series, Super Bowl, free Bentley rental, etc.

You know what I wish they have as a prize? A Date with Erin Burnett! What can I say, I'm a sucker for smart pretty brunets. Maggie gyllenhaal or Marisa Tomei, if you guys are reading this, give me a call.

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