Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Kids and That Damn Noise

Don't take me wrong, it's a good noise.

I came across this band while I was in Europe last summer and I heard this song called Through the Monsoon by this band called Tokio Hotel and I've been looking for them on the American music radar ever since. Finally they recently released their CD in the U.S. (even though it's been out in the U.K. for almost a year).

They're wrong Germany and the German MTV would play them non-stop while I was there. The lead vocal and guitar are twin brothers, they're young and they just plain rock.

This 2nd band, called Black Tide, I saw them during SXSW back in March. Well, saw them is stretching the truth slightly. I saw them interviewing with MTV in the street, and I only know it was MTV b/c I've been following John Norris' crew around to see what they're up to. They stay at the Omni every year I think.

Everybody in this band is under the age of 19. Yes, they're all teenagers. Yet, they are comparable to Metallica, or perhaps even technically better (I have not liked Metallica ever since the whole Naptster fiasco since I think my sophomore year in high school).

Happy downloading!

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