Wednesday, December 19, 2007

I Want to Take My Job Behind the Middle School and Get It pregnant

Solid week of work last week (although I'm updating on Wednesday). Made well over a grand and was the #3 rookie for the week. It still kind of pisses me off that I didn't catch any part of that AIG action on Friday though. Larsen got 1500 shares of it and beat me out handily. Even after the terrible terrible week before, I'm only down about $100... which makes me feel more comfortable thinking about super yahtzeeing when I get back to work. But hey, work can wait, I'm on vacation right now, technically.

I didn't really want to fly back to Taiwan since I'd be missing work. At first I only wanted to take a week off but my dad convinced me to take an additional week since my manager was ok with it as well. Especially now that I'm on a hot streak I really regret taking that extra week, but it's been interesting so far. My fingers itch, seriously, b/c I feel like I'm missing out on the action. I found out how to access my work email and looking at the company stock report and the daily top rookie list doesn't help at all. I've got the log in for so I'm gonna try to stay updated on the news so I can hit the ground running when I come back. Maybe dad can take me to a brokerage office and I could paper trade the Taiwanese market and if I do well I'll trade with real capital next week.

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