Monday, October 20, 2008

My Diet

I'm on a diet/work out regimen. I purposely timed it so it would start after my birthday but ends before thanksgiving. Couple of other guys at work has tried it and each of them lost about 10-15 lbs within the one month period.

We saw this from Timothy Ferriss's blog, the author of the 4-Hour Work Week. You can read the details yourself, but roughly you're doing this for a month, with two 30-minute workouts each week and you don't eat any carbs, especially white carbs, or red meat for 6 days of the week. The work out is a little different, too. Instead of doing 3 sets of 10 like usual, you're doing one set to failure with a 5 seconds up, 5 seconds dow cadence. Basically you're lifting less than your normal load, go freakishingly slow and lift until you can't anymore.

I've been on it for a week now. It's really tough the first week. I found out that milk has a lot of carbs therefore it's banned from my diet which sucks b/c I love milk. It's also a problem since so much of Asian cuisine revolves around rice and noodle. So far there hasn't been a dramatic difference yet. I've only dropped about 3-4 lbs and that could be just water weight. However, I do feel fitter and things are looser---like my pants and watch (yipee, I'm losing the stubborn wrist fat that I've always wanted to lose).

There was a young alumni happy hour last week and I've already planned to have my off day on Friday so it was excruciating for me to just sip on a glass of wine and pass on the free cookies they had at the events. Of course my friends would wolf down the cookies right in front of me to tease me, but somehow I made through it.

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