Friday, April 11, 2008

My Watching the Paint Dry

I came across this phrase somewhere this week in my reading... it's a fair assessment. It's so slow this week, relative volume is barely over half sometimes. Maybe it's the calm before the storm, at least I hope so. I didn't go into work on Friday b/c I was still kind of sick (I've been sick almost the entire week. I got this tickle in my throat since I came back from DC and the tickle turned into what feels like steel wool. It was not sexy) but apparently GE had missed their earnings estimate by quite a bit and the market was quite active, oh well...

I had set a goal to super yahtzee by the end of April and now I'm starting to lose faith, not just the goal to super but at time this entire trading career. I'll man up and admit that I have been complacent. I haven't been reading as much and working on new ideas to get better. Because of that I started reading the book I checked out from Billy and dug up some of the blogs that I've added to my Google Reader. Some of them are not relevant at all and I'm going to remove them but some like Trader Mike is quite good. I've also gone through my old entries to add labels to them so that I can review old trading insight and ideas that I've came across. I also want to start talking to some HP's again, or even just people that I've met that are better than me. I want to talk to Jon, Nish, Mark, Jon, and Mike and probably have a little pow wow w/ Lawrence as well.

A lot of traders have found what works for them and I haven't found it quite yet. I was doing really well in January with EEM but now it's not really working. I was trading SLV heavily at one point but that's not really working consistently for me now.

I also want to have a weekly game plan... instead of coming in and looking at who's reporting or what economic data is coming out that day, I want to know at the beginning of the week already, not the day of.

Earning season is here, I think I want to take the Series 55 again. I don't want to limit myself to the universe of stocks that I can trade. There's money to be made in Nasdaq stocks.

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