Monday, September 29, 2008

My Little Dutch Boy

Well, that was interesting... futures broke the morning support and we got a big flush down. Yours truly just loaded up on some EWZ short. The rest of the day was pretty boring since everybody was waiting for the voting in the House to go on. We got C-SPAN on half of the TVs instead of CNBC (CNBC is pretty crappy sometimes, and this was one of those times). The speeches before the voting... honestly, not inspiring and I don't think they helped the cause at all. It started out as more ayes than nays but you can kind of see the nays start creeping up. Right before the nays caught up to the ayes I loaded up on EWZ again. It was a pretty good entry since futures was holding a steady ceiling and I wasn't really risking that much if the votes start to swing back the other direction. Sure enough, the nays overtook the yays and people can tell that this bill is not getting passed and it was just like the little Dutch boy pulling his finger out and we get a complete flood gate. I got some really nice prints at the close as well even though I should've done a lot better still with some of the imbalances, etc.

I'll admit that government or civics is not my favorite subjects in school, but I did learn something today. We didn't really know or remember how many members are in the House of Representatives but our pod quickly found out it was 435 so the magic number was 218 if this thing was going to get passed. I thought of a video that I'm sure we all watched when we were younger, so here it is....


-Rob said...

ahhhh nice video. I'm sure this bill started like it did in the video. Some constituents got off the porch and called there senator suggesting "hey you know what will fix all this mess Money lots of it."
Call me crazy but maybe this bill did not start with popular opinion. ahahah

Sarah said...

Oh man, School House Rock...thanks for taking me back in time. I also loved how the soldiers' pants were actually bell bottoms.